Do you have an idea for a “ready to drink liquid refreshment #beverage” (which is industry speak for drink you can sell in stores)? Or are you a venture capital guru looking to understand the beverage product development process?
This video will teach you the process of developing your beverage idea and bringing it to market.
In this 30 minute video I interview Pete Grego of Nor-Cal Beverage Co., Inc, a leading contract manufacturer based in California. Pete is experienced in drinks for tons of major brands (I guarantee you’ve enjoyed a beverage he has created).
Me and Pete will talk about the product life cycle of turning an idea for a beverage into a manufactured product you can buy or sell in retail. You will learn about some of the procedures and processes used in co-packing facilities to ensure a quality product. We also talk about what you must do to ensure that the relationship with your copacker is a sustainable one, how to avoid risks, and find new opportunity for your business.
The foundation of this is a CASE STUDY of Jocko White Tea made for Jocko Willink of Jocko Podcast. Pearl Resourcing created this custom dry tea for Jocko and after requests from podcast listeners for a pre-brewed iced version we turned the idea into a retail ready 16 oz can.

If you watch the video and end up thirsty and ready to try this ZERO SUGAR iced tea you can order it on Amazon:
If you're ready to bring your idea to market, contact Pearl Resourcing and we'll help you formulate your idea, find the right co-packer, pick your packaging, and prepare for manufacturing and logistics so you're RETAIL READY!
Happy sipping!
Emily, CEO of Pearl Resourcing
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